Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Prepping for a meet

The meal before a race is very important. This meal should be 80% carbohydrates. I recommend for breakfast a bowl of oatmeal, a banana, or both depending on your appetite. Drink lots of water that morning, your body will have dehydrated while you slept the night away. I also recommend that you carbohydrate load on the previous two days. Now if you are eating a lunch a bowl of pasta with a red sauce is better than a white sauce but pasta is a must.

The day before a race you should just stretch and eat lots of carbs, if you enjoy spaghetti go for it. I\

After the race they will give out rewards and then you will be free to leave if your parents come talk to me. I recommend drinking lots of water to help you recover, but just as important drink a sports drink or maybe some chocolate milk.

Remember everything I taught you, stay calm but jog as fast as you can with a negative split. One more tip, I used to chew gum during the race to keep my mind off how thirsty I was, when all you do is run full blast with your mouth open breathing heavy, you tend to get a little 'cotton mouth' plus this little bit of sugar causes your body to start creating energy for you.

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